středa 13. května 2009

Evaluation questionnaire for the students

Evaluation questionnaire

Dear student!
This questionnaire will help us to evaluate our Let’s (b)log in project. Thank you for completing it

1. What do you think about the idea of eTwinning projects?

a) I think it was very interesting
b) Some parts were interesting some were boring (which ones, please, specify .........................................................................................................................................)
c) It was boring - I didn´t like it at all. It was a waste of time

2. Did you learn anything new about ICT tools during the project?

a) Yes, I have learned how to make graphs
b) Yes, I have learned how to make things in Excel (boardgames, crossowords)
c) Yes, I have learned a lot about photos
d) Yes, I have learnt how to use MovieMaker
e) Yes, I have learnt how to record my voice
f) No, I have known everything, I could help other students
g) Other (please, specify) ....................................................................................................

3. What were the most interesting activities during the project (choose up to three)?

a) forum chats
b) PowerPoint presentations
c) Video-clips
d) Videochat
e) Photogalleries
f) Tree competition
g) Creating crosswords, boardgames
h) Nothing
i) Others (e.g. trips, meeeting with a guest – please specify) ...........................................................................................................................................

4. Which topic was the most interesting in your opinion?

a) Our schools
b) Our cities
c) Our hobbies
d) Holidays and celebrations
e) We care
f) Famous peole
g) Interesting places in our region

5. What do you think about the idea of creating Polish- Czech pairs?
a) I think it was a good idea
b) I do not mind it
c) I did not like it
6. How often did you contact your partner?

a) a few times a semester (or more)
b) about once a semester
c) once a year
d) I did not contact him/her at all

7. How often did you visit the project blog ?

a) often (I showed it to my parents)
b) always at school when we went to computer room to work on the project
c) only when the teacher showed us some contributions
d) never. I do not know about our blog

8. Why didn´t you write any comments into the blog?

a) I did not know how
b) I think my English is not good enough
c) I didn´t know what to say
d) I never write any commnets

9. Give some examples of English words you learnt thanks to the eTwinning project: ...........................................................................................................................................

10. Would you like to take part in another project again?

a) Yes, really, I like it
b) Yes, but with other partners
c) I’m not sure
d) Probably not
e) Definitely not

11. What did you like most about the project?

12. What did not you like most about the project?

13. Other comments, suggestions for future projeccts.

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