23rd - 27th was "A week with Science" in Gimnazjum nr 14 in Ruda Śląska. Each day was devoted to another subject related to science. Students participated in many competitions. They were for example: "Superrachmistrz"(Supercounter); "Zapałczane łamigłówki" (Riddles with matches); an IT competition - PC Questions, "Physics in students' experiments" and a competition to make a clock. The last contest turned out to be the most interesting and it was a good opportunity to show students' creativity. Teachers prepared also interesting Chemistry and Biology lessons, for example about the importance of separating rubbish and the role of chemistry in our lives. Science seems to be quite difficult but these events proved it's really useful in life. So, have a look at the pictures! We hope you recognize some of our eTwinnig group members:-)
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