Our school Gymnazium Ceska Lipa has four floors.It is 15 years old.43 teachers work here- 14 men and 29 women. On the first floor there isa snack bar and 10 classrooms.On the second floor there is the school canteen, 10 classrooms and Biology room.On the first floor is Physics, English and IVT room.On the 4.floor there is Chemistry and Geography room. /Mirka F. /
Our school Gymnázium Česká Lípa is 15 years old. We have a lot of after school clubs, for example- International projects, expedition Drákula, biology and physics olympiad and more sports. You can play volleyball on Friday, floorball on Thursday, chemistry and biology club on Friday . I think that our school is in after school clubs very good because it is funny. / Kate S./
Student´s day On 17th November we have students day. We have only 4 lessons, then we have lots of activities which we prepare ourselves. Only on students' day we can play games in computers rooms. / Martin B. /
Our school-subjects What and how many subjects we have? We have 13 subjects:Maths,Czech,English,P.E.,History,Geography,Physics, Chemistry,Biology,C.E.,Art,IVT and Music. In a Geography we learn about Europe. In a Biology we learn about vertebratea. We have marks from 1 to 5.One is the best and five is the worst. / Kate P./
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