úterý 30. září 2008
26th September

International chat in the last minute
On 26th September, our school took part in the International chat on line on the www.etwinning.net.
The coordinator of the chat was our school and we invited several countries into our twinspace Living Traditions.
And so at 10.00 am of the Czech time there were students from the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Portugal and Spain.
The chat was in the twinspace of our project with Romania and all the students were very serious about it. Some of them exchanged their email addresses during the chat. We can´t give any statistics now because immediatelly after the chat the portal etwinning was closed for several days.
On 29th September www.etwinning.net will be open again in a new coat. Thank you all who took part in our chat.
sobota 27. září 2008
European Day of Languages

26th September is celebrated as European Day of Languages. This year Enlglish teachers organized a quiz which mainly checked the knowledge about the UK and general knowledge (intuition:-)) about various European languages.
Good luck with the following task!
Finnish Croatian Russian Greek Albanian
French Slovak Hungarian Norwegian Spanish
1) hvala - ………..……………………
2) ευχαριστώ - …...………………..
3) takk - ………………………………
4) cпасибо - …….……………………
5) köszönöm - ……………………….
6) faleminderit - …................……
Good luck with the following task!
Match the below “thank you” phrases with the proper language.
Finnish Croatian Russian Greek Albanian
French Slovak Hungarian Norwegian Spanish
1) hvala - ………..……………………
2) ευχαριστώ - …...………………..
3) takk - ………………………………
4) cпасибо - …….……………………
5) köszönöm - ……………………….
6) faleminderit - …................……
7) merci - ………………..................
8) dakujem - ……..……….............
8) dakujem - ……..……….............
pátek 26. září 2008
Hello everybody
Hello all the etwinners who will work in this project. I am glad that we have already started and I wish you a lot of interesting moments with our project Let´s /b/log in.
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